Free Resources

Gain access to invaluable free resources like eBooks on neuroscience-based healing, brain retraining, and vagus nerve optimization. Listen to episodes featuring Dr. Cat and other experts discussing energy-clearing techniques, limbic system impairment, overcoming chronic illness, recovery strategies, and more.

Guidebook Collections

Download your free guidebook of choice and enjoy some great reading!

How Healing Happens

How Healing Happens

Free 100+ page guidebook with 5 nervous system regulation practices

This guide contains 5 free nervous system regulation tools, including a guided somatic meditation audio, success stories, endorsements, a full breakdown of the science, Dr. Cat’s own healing story, plus lots of valuable insights from inside Primal Trust. This book is like a mini Regulate program on its own. You could read this book, follow the practices, and truly see shifts with some dedication to the tools.
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Trauma Healing Workbook

Free workbook with over 30 pages of resources

In this free workbook, we explore exercises that address:

  • Anxiety that won’t let go.
  • Sleepless nights filled with worry.
  • A constant feeling of being on edge.
  • Shame about your past coping mechanisms.
Lyme Webinar and Ebook

Lyme Disease and Primal TrustTM

Free BUNDLE: Ebook PLUS Webinar on Lyme Disease & Nervous System Regulation

Cathleen King, DPT, Founder and CEO of Primal Trust Academy & Community, has recorded this exclusive webinar specifically covering the subject of chronic Lyme disease, and how self-regulation of your nervous system and recognizing contributing influences of chronic illness is a cornerstone to unlock self-healing. Sign up and you’ll receive access to this 1 hour 20 minute webinar, plus a comprehensive ebook explaining what exactly self-regulation and brain retraining is, and how it can help you if you’re a sufferer of chronic Lyme disease.

Brain Retraining, Somatics and
Vagus Nerve Stimulation

Discover how nervous system self-regulation can help you

In it we cover:

NS Harmony

Nervous System Harmony

A Guide to Cultivating Calm and Breaking Bad Habits from Primal Trust™

Learn about dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin and endophins and how you can track and hack your habits with self-regulation tools for smooth and stable biochemistry.

Contains habit trackers, charts, infographics, and a daily routine example.

Clearing Energy

Clearing Energy

Techniques from five top energy workers

This is an energy medicine practice guide for those who want to have tools to relieve stress in their bodies improve their sense of vitality and inner freedom.

The techniques in this ebook specifically focus on various methods of clearing unwanted energies that build up in our body system and energy field. Much like taking a shower can refresh the body, clearing energy can refresh the mind, body, and soul.

This book was a collaborative effort co-created by 5 top energy medicine experts from Dr. Cathleen King’s Living Alchemy Community.  We hope you find practices that you enjoy and can implement on a daily basis for improved health and wellbeing!

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Somatic Orienting Class by Dr. Cathleen King, DPT

Learn how to heal hypervigilance with retraining the Orienting Response

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Free Class by Dr. Cathleen King, DPT

Watch class "Why is it taking me so long to heal?" Includes a free downloadble workbook to accompany the class!

Podcasts & Interviews

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Dr. Cat’s Tips

Discover insightful tips on shifting from an external to an internal quest and trusting your inner wisdom when it comes to your health and wellness.

Tips for Somatic Focused Brain and Nervous System Healing

Free Copy
How Healing Happens Free Book

Is Nervous System Dysregulation Behind Your Chronic Symptoms?

Explore 30 thought-provoking questions to unveil potential nervous system dysregulation and get a FREE copy of our 100+ page guidebook with tools to get started.